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Renewable Materials Research

Renewable Materials
- Environmental assessment of asphalt mixtures modified with polymer coated rubber from scrap tires
- A system dynamics model for end-of-life management of electric vehicle batteries in the US: Comparing the cost, carbon, and material requirements of remanufacturing and recycling
- Net energy and cost-benefit of phthalocyanine and heptamethine transparent photovoltaics in commercial buildings
- In silico analysis of soil, sediment and groundwater microbial communities to predict biodegradation potential
- Predicted functional genes for the biodegradation of xenobiotics in groundwater and sediment at two contaminated naval sites
- Predicting the occurrence of monooxygenases and their associated phylotypes in soil microcosms
- MicroRNA-based host response to toxicant exposure is influenced by the presence of gut microbial populations
- Gut microbiota research nexus: One Health relationship between human, animal, and environmental resistomes
- Extended-Spectrum β-Lactamase and Carbapenemase Genes are Substantially and Sequentially Reduced during Conveyance and Treatment of Urban Sewage
- Environmental and human health risks of plastic composites can be reduced by optimizing manufacturing conditions
- Regulatory significance of plastic manufacturing air pollution discharged into terrestrial environments and real-time sensing challenges
- Bystander Chemical Exposures and Injuries Associated With Nearby Plastic Sewer Pipe Manufacture: Public Health Practice and Lessons