SPIN Research Proposal Request
Micro-Mobility Research at Michigan State University
Introduction: Campus environments create a unique opportunity to serve as research laboratories for maximizing micromobility’s potential as a tool for creating more livable and sustainable communities. This is in large part due to the operating environment itself being so well suited to micromobility – high density that helps facilitate frequent trip lengths under 2 miles and high volumes of ridership stemming from frequent student, faculty, staff, and visitor usage.
SPIN is interested in working with students, staff, and faculty at MSU on interesting research projects in the micromobility space.
MSU’s Business Connect office is now accepting mini-proposals for this award.
Deadline for submission is January 31st, no later than 7:00 AM EST
Target awards of $15,000 – $45,000
Proposals for 2025 Research Projects will be considered with MSU faculty members who are selected based on a one-page proposal, interview, and subsequent SOW refinement and budget determination. Proposed research projects should be considered in the following areas:
1) Safety and Education
Safe operation of e-scooters on campus is critically important.
Interested in the design of safety programming and education:
- Addressing inclement weather conditions
- Measuring impacts of incentive-based programs for promoting safe and responsible use of micromobility.
- Increasing helmet usage.
- Improving methods of communication to users.
2) Operational Optimization
Spin has daily decisions about where to deploy/rebalance scooters on campus and at other sites in Michigan (Ann Arbor / Detroit).
Interested in modeling and approaches on:
- Optimized deployment – devices in the right places at the right time.
- Ideal fleet size and what factors should be considered when increasing/reducing/relocating.
3) Launching a Data-Gathering Companion App
MSU has been working with Microlise on the launch of the Flare App. This app would provide users with the ability to notify an emergency contact in the case of a micromobility-related fall or crash. Getting users to sign up for this App has been a challenge.
Interested in research that would practically address this:
- Improved marketing
- How to reach the target audience
- How to communicate beneficial Apps to college students
4) Reducing Vandalism of Devices
East Lansing/MSU had a high incidence of scooters ending up in the Red Cedar. This behavior has largely been corrected, but understanding and preventing future outbreaks of this sort are of interest to the MSU community and could have application to other markets.
Interested in research that would practically address this:
- Understanding Motive
- Technology approaches to detect/avoid/prevent
- Educational approaches to avoid/prevent
- Marketing approaches to avoid/prevent
- Scalable models that could be applied to other programs/settings.
5) Impact of the Vision 2050 on Transit and Land Use for Students, Faculty, and Visitors
Interested in models of future behavior and evidence-based direction on approaches:
- Modeshift – overall changes anticipated for campus and/or the individual.
- New transportation models: Pedestrians/ CATA / Parking / Transit through campus, etc.
- New Campus Openspace – how to best integrate and implement new openspace in the central campus precinct.
Application Requirements
- Please answer the questions below.
- Proposals should be no more than one page in length (a second page with graphs/images can be included).
- Proposals should contemplate work starting in Q1 of 2025 with a final report delivery of no later than December 5, 2025.
- Work will be funded from Spin’s revenue share program with MSU. This will be a research project funded with MSU direct funds (does not require IDC). Please contact Brice Nelson with any questions.
- Submit via email to the attention of Brice Nelson (bnelson@msu.edu) with the Subject Line “2025 SPIN PROPOSAL: …”
Questions to Address in Proposal:
- Statement of Research Problem. What is your objective with this project? What specifically do you seek to accomplish? (1-2 sentences)
- Project Timeline. This award is intended for Projects that will be conducted in 2025. If you believe additional time would be needed, please provide an expected timeline of research, including important milestones and total time needed to complete the project:
- Budget summary of your proposed project. (Target awards of $15,000 – $45,000)
- Answers to the following
- Why should this project be funded?
- What are the projected benefits of funding this project?
- What is the exact output of the project and what form will it take (knowledge, a model, software, a design, other)?
- What is the likelihood of implementing the successful results of the project to create value for the micromobility industry?
- Is there a clear and strong implementation path that enables project impact?
- What are the most significant obstacles that will challenge the success of this project? Please explain.
- Any additional information not covered by these questions, please provide it here.
Proposal Timeline
- Deadline for mini proposal submission: January 31, 2025, by 7:00 AM EST.
- Interviews with finalists to occur in February 2025.
- Award Announcement Feb 24, 2025
Please direct any questions regarding this award or the application process to Brice Nelson, Director of Corporate Partnerships (bnelson@msu.edu).