Work in Northern Highbush Blueberry Cultivars
Dr. James Hancock
Professor of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Blueberries are highly praised for their antioxidant properties and micronutrient profile. Prof. Hancock has released four new Northern Highbush blueberry varieties: Draper, Liberty, Aurora and Huron. All have excellent fruit quality, are highly productive, produce robust and exposed berries that can be machine harvested, and have a long shelf life. Dr. Hancock’s innovations regarding these new varieties of Northern highbush blueberries represent highly productive means of generating flavorful and long-lasting blueberries. Draper, Liberty, Aurora and Huron are planted worldwide in areas suitable for Northern Highbush varieties. Approximately twenty million plants of these four varieties have been sold. They represent approximately 10% of worldwide Northern Highbush blueberry acreage, making them among the most widely planted of all Northern Highbush varieties.
MSU Technologies is pleased to recognize Dr. Hancock and his team for their research and innovations.