MTRAC AgBio Focused Topic Application

MTRAC AgBio Focused Topic Grant Proposals are due by 5PM EST on Wednesday, June 7th, 2023.

This is a special edition of the MTRAC AgBio Innovation Hub grant offerings. Please see the Focused Topic Grant Application link below for the specific scope of this request-for-proposals

Applicant Notes:

  • Focused Topic Grant projects are intended to provide development stage data to help validate the suitability of the technology for addressing the defined topic of the RFP. It should also include at least one clear pre-commercialization milestone to help verify the need in the marketplace and/or identify concerns an end-user or industry partner might have about the technology.
  • Applicants are strongly encouraged to contact the MTRAC program staff for assistance with the preparation of their applications.
  • MSU FACULTY APPLICANTS ONLY: The required e-Transmittal should be sent through the regular process to OSP with an internal sponsor named “MSU-MTRAC.”
  • NON-MSU FACULTY APPLICANTS ONLY: Please contact MTRAC AgBio Program Director or Program Manager (contact info below) to review the Template Subcontract (PDF) before signing the MTRAC AgBio Requested Budget and Signature Page of your proposal.


Step 1: Download submission information (includes template)

Step 2: Download the Budget and Signature form

Step 3: Review the rubric for the initial proposal evaluation

Final: Submit your MTRAC application online

For further information or questions regarding the application process, please contact MTRAC AgBio Program Director, Joseph Affholter or Program Manager, Weian Ou.

Eligibility and Information:

  • Researchers will be able to apply for funding to help drive agriculture-related technology toward commercialization, including support for prototype development, animal trials, scale-up studies, crop trials, and verification studies.
  • While not required, interested parties are encouraged to schedule a pre-proposal idea consultation with the MTRC AgBio program. This can help researchers effectively address the technical and commercial elements of the proposal.
  • Concurrent MTRAC Focused Subject Grants and MTRAC Full or Starter Grant proposals on the same topic are not allowed. The second proposal on the same topic will not be accepted.
  • Researchers can apply for funding to help drive agriculture-related technology toward commercialization, including but not limited to support for prototype development, milestone setting, animal trials, scale-up studies, crop trials, and verification studies.
  • Awards range up to $50k direct cost.
  • Interested investigators are asked to schedule a pre-proposal idea consultation with the MTRAC Ag Bio program.
  • In all award applications, please use submission templates.

While not all proposals under this Focused Topic Grant will be directed toward the specialty crop industry, awardees with innovations in the specialty crop category should be willing to participate in discussions on the Focused Topic at the Great Lakes Expo 2023, scheduled to take place at the DeVos Center in Grand Rapids on December 5-7, 2023. The key presentations and discussions related to the topic will occur on December 6th and 7th.

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