Faculty Features Archives - Page 3 of 10 - MSU Innovation Center

MSU researchers create more realistic synthetic human mini hearts

Thanks to advancements in the development of patented synthetic human-like hearts first created at Michigan State, researchers can study human heart development and congenital heart disease on highly accurate models. This is facilitating the development of new therapies and pharmaceutical drugs to treat a variety of heart-related diseases just in time for the observance of …

MSU Hits Research Milestone $844 Million in Expenditures

Michigan State University had an exceptional year for research volume in 2023, breaking previous records by achieving $844 million in total research and development expenditures. The increase of $84.8 million over the 2022 total of $759 million brings the university closer to its strategic plan goal of reaching $1 billion in annual research expenditures by …

Discovery led by MSU researchers can reduce harmful chemicals produced in fried potatoes

MSU Today

In a breakthrough for the snack food industry, a team of scientists led by Michigan State University professors Jiming Jiang and David Douches has discovered a key mechanism behind the darkening and potential health concerns associated with cold-stored potatoes. Their findings, published Feb. 20 in the journal The Plant Cell, hold promise for the development of …

Evaluating emerging technologies for cancer screening

MSU Today

Henry Ford Health + Michigan State University Health Sciences this week was named to the National Institutes of Health clinical trials network to evaluate emerging technologies for cancer screening, with the goal of reducing cancer-related illnesses and deaths. The Cancer Screening Research Network will support the Biden-Harris Administration’s Cancer Moonshot initiative by investigating how to …

Great Lakes EXPO 2023 showcases AgTech innovation from Michigan State University

Few people likely realize that agriculture is the second largest industry in Michigan, employing almost 25 percent of the workforce in the state. Michigan is also the second most agriculturally diverse state in the nation, thanks to the variety and volume of specialty crops that are grown here. It should be little surprise then, that …

Exploring Intellectual Property and Legal Pathways

Michigan State University’s Innovation Center is the focal point for supporting, creating, and launching innovative ideas that originated from our faculty. The MSU Innovation Center strictly focuses on fostering innovations, entrepreneurship, and technology commercialization.   While Michigan State University’s Innovation Center is the core, there are key components and initiatives that the MSU Innovation Center includes. …

Driving higher voltages and lower currents in EVs

Spartans are innovating batteries, electronics, composite materials and more to push electric vehicles farther while training the nation’s future workforce. Researchers at Michigan State University are building battery packs that will deliver higher voltages and lower currents than what electric vehicles use now. The work provides opportunities for improvements, especially as it dovetails with MSU’s …

‘Biomanufacturing’ helps building materials go green

A team of Michigan State University researchers believes in a future when homes and other buildings can be constructed using low-cost, sustainable materials that also can repair themselves and capture carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. “To reduce greenhouse gas emissions and fight climate change, there is strong demand in sustainable materials,” said Jinxing Li, who …

Ask the Expert: Grain, oil and the higher cost of food

“Ask the Expert” articles provide information and insights from MSU scientists, researchers and scholars about national and global issues, complex research and general-interest subjects based on their areas of academic expertise and study. They may feature historical information, background, research findings, or offer tips. David Ortega, food economist and associate professor in the Department of …

Dohun Pyeon receives MSU Research Foundation grant for novel cancer research

Human papillomaviruses (HPV) cause more than five percent of all human cancers worldwide, yet for many, current treatments are ineffective. Dohun Pyeon, a Michigan State University professor in the Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics (MMG) in the College of Natural Science, is the recipient of a 2023 Strategic Partnership Grant (SPG) from the MSU Research Foundation to support his …

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