Grant Archives - Page 3 of 5 - MSU Innovation Center

Who goes there? A new whole-body biometric recognition system

Michigan State University researchers received a $12 million, four-year federal grant from the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity, or IARPA, under its Biometric Recognition and Identification at Altitude and Range, or BRIAR, program. The IARPA BRIAR program is a 48-month effort to deliver end-to-end software systems capable of detecting individuals at severe imaging conditions, extracting …

Dohun Pyeon receives MSU Research Foundation grant for novel cancer research

Human papillomaviruses (HPV) cause more than five percent of all human cancers worldwide, yet for many, current treatments are ineffective. Dohun Pyeon, a Michigan State University professor in the Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics (MMG) in the College of Natural Science, is the recipient of a 2023 Strategic Partnership Grant (SPG) from the MSU Research Foundation to support his …

Accelerating nuclear science with machine learning

The Facility for Rare Isotope Beams, or FRIB, at Michigan State University is home to a world-unique particle accelerator designed to push the boundaries of our understanding of nature. Now, FRIB is accelerating that work with a form of artificial intelligence known as machine learning with support from the Office of Nuclear Physics, or NP, and …

2023 MTRAC Award Recipients Make Their Mark on Bioeconomy

Funded by the Michigan Strategic Fund through the  Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC), the Michigan Translational Research and Commercialization (MTRAC) Program was established in 2012 in order to accelerate the creation and transfer of new technologies from Michigan’s institutions of higher learning into the commercial market by way of licenses to existing companies or startups. …

Unlocking solar-powered secrets: DOE renews grant for photosynthesis research at MSU

The U.S. Department of Energy has awarded the Michigan State University-Department of Energy (MSU-DOE) Plant Research Laboratory (PRL) a $12 million DOE Office of Basic Energy Sciences competitive renewal grant to continue research in photosynthetic energy capture, conversion and storage. The three-year grant (2023-2026) will allow PRL scientists to continue in their mission to understand …

Department of Energy awards $529M to FRIB

The U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science, or DOE-SC, has awarded $529 million to continue world-leading nuclear science research at the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams at Michigan State University. The new cooperative agreement provides $529,068,000 over five years to operate FRIB as a DOE-SC user facility to enable unprecedented discovery opportunities envisioned by …

Unraveling the mysteries of metabolism

Metabolism regulates far more than just body fat—it encompasses all the various life-sustaining chemical reactions that occur within an organism. When food is broken down into energy, a wide range of metabolites are produced. Primary metabolites help regulate and enable normal growth, while secondary metabolites provide unique advantages to an organism based on adaptations to …

MSU researchers receive NSF grant to address ‘Grand Challenge’ of plant biology

Michigan State University molecular plant scientist Dan Chitwood has received a $640,000 grant, part of a larger $1.5 million collaborative award from the National Science Foundation, to learn how to predict a plant’s phenotype — its observable physical traits — from its genetic makeup or molecular profile. While current sequencing technologies allow the extraction of …

Michigan State University Research Foundation and MSU Announce Recipients of 2023 Strategic Partnership Grants

The Michigan State University Research Foundation (MSU Research Foundation) and Michigan State University announced the recipients of the 2023 Strategic Partnership Grants Program (SPG Program), an important funding mechanism that supports promising new initiatives in key areas of research, scholarship, and multidisciplinary collaboration. Successful concepts aim to promote productive and sustained collaborations at MSU, leading to …

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