Sustainability Archives - Page 3 of 4 - MSU Innovation Center

Breaking It Down: How Thermoplastic Starch Enhances Poly(lactic acid) Biodegradation in Compost─A Comparative Analysis of Reactive Blends

Blending PLA with thermoplastic starch promotes sustainable biodegradation of PLA under mesophilic and thermophilic conditions without creating microplastics. Breaking It Down: How Thermoplastic Starch Enhances Poly(lactic acid) Biodegradation in Compost─A Comparative Analysis of Reactive Blends Pooja C. Mayekar, , Wanwarang Limsukon, Anibal Bher, and Rafael Auras* School of Packaging, Michigan State University, 448 Wilson Road, …

MSU School of Packaging announces partnership with Trayak, Inc.

The Michigan State University (MSU) School of Packaging (SoP) announces a new partnership with Trayak, Inc. to supply the EcoImpact-COMPASS software licenses for use by SoP faculty, staff, and students. East Lansing, MI — The Michigan State University (MSU) School of Packaging (SoP) is proud to announce a new partnership with Trayak, Inc. to supply the …

MSU Researcher receives $2.1 million dollar grant to research drinking water disinfection

Today, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced $8,492,000 in grant funding to four institutions for research on the occurrence and concentration of pathogens and disinfection by-products and the environmental conditions favorable to their growth in drinking water distribution systems. “New strategies for monitoring and controlling contaminants in drinking water will help ensure that science …

MSU a technology leader at Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center

MSU emerges as technology leader at Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center It is no secret that our use of fossil fuels is damaging the planet. As scientists continue to search for alternative sources of energy to decrease our reliance on petroleum and petroleum-based products, Michigan State University (MSU) is leading the way in the development …

MSU School of Packaging researchers make a sustainable plastic more compostable

Researchers from Michigan State University’s top-ranked School of Packaging have developed a way to make a promising, sustainable alternative to petroleum-based plastics more biodegradable. A team led by Rafael Auras has made a bio-based polymer blend that’s compostable in both home and industrial settings. The work is published in the journal ACS Sustainable Chemistry & …

MSU forestry professor called upon for deforestation expertise in Mayan Forest

To address deforestation and stimulate production of non-timber forest products for communities within the Mayan Forest Zone, the second largest area of tropical forest in the Americas (which includes large areas of Belize, Guatemala and the Yucatán Peninsula), David MacFarlane is working with the forest — not against it. MacFarlane, a professor within Michigan State …

MSU Packaging Professor Named Senior Member of National Academy of Inventors

MSU School of Packaging Professor Muhammad Rabnawaz was named a senior member of the National Academy of Inventors this year, an elite group of scientists and faculty members who have demonstrated a legacy of innovations and patents that can positively impact the world. Dr. Rabnawaz, who started his tenure at Michigan State in 2016, has …

Paper without the microplastics

This article has been reposted from MSUToday. New MSU packaging technology protects paper products used in food service from oil and water without adding harmful pollutants to the environment Michigan State University’s Muhammad Rabnawaz has created a new coating for paper packaging that’s both economical and ecofriendly. The coating, developed by Rabnawaz’s Sustainable Materials Group, …

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